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I never expected to become a medium. Growing up I was always a sensitive child and felt things at an intensity to which others could not relate. I often had a hard time expressing myself and felt "different" from my peers. I struggled greatly with depression and anxiety, from a source I couldn't explain or fully understand.


Although I do believe I was born with these abilities, I wasn’t aware of them until later in life. There are powerful psychics on both sides of my family line, so I was never a stranger to this type of work. 


In my teens and early twenties, drugs and alcohol seemed to fix my problems, which culminated in a painful battle with addiction. This lifestyle contributed to several traumatic experiences and my total loss of self. I hit bottom and now see how every experience was preparing me for this work. 



My Psychic Development


My survival was a complete miracle and I was able to find recovery. It wasn't until a few years sober that I began opening to my psychic abilities. After a tremendous amount of healing work, I had the clarity to notice what had been with me all along. 


My abilities began with premonition and visitation dreams, that my skeptical mind often wrote off. However, after I experienced several losses in a short period of time, they became impossible to ignore. 


As time went on, the signs grew stronger and began to appear outside of my dreams. Despite my resistance, I contacted several spiritual teachers who guided me to unfold this gift in my own way. It was mind-blowing.


Once I surrendered to this spiritual calling, my path only became clearer: Spiritual work is what I am meant to do. I quit my full-time job and committed to the service of Spirit and developing my psychic gifts. Loud and clear, mediumship came through as my true calling. 


I cannot be more grateful for what a gift it has been to me. I now see my past in a completely different light and how it gave me the empathy and understanding that only enhances my work with Spirit. To hear a more in-depth version of my story you can listen to the first 2 episodes of my podcast HERE.





For every reading I do, my goal is not to simply provide evidential mediumship but to bring forward the true essence of your loved ones. This work is all about experiencing a beautiful reunion and reminder that your loved ones never leave you. I also connect with you on a soul level to provide a more well-rounded experience with profound healing.


I work with The Spirit world first in my sessions, but I am ultimately here to help others live their best lives, despite their circumstances. It is through the merging of (1) wisdom from Spirit, (2) my own personal experiences, and (3) linking to my client’s highest need that I am best able to achieve that.


I am an endless seeker with a thirst for knowledge: I am always expanding the ways in which I can serve and help my clients. In my years of training, I have worked with various teachers and healers to help me raise the standard of mediumship offered to the public.



How I Can Help You 


In my services, I provide deep soul healing and help you understand yourself at a level you never knew possible before. I customize and cater to your specific needs to best achieve your goals. By combining Mediumship/Psychic Work, Healing, Past Lives, Guides, Shadow Work (and more) with my own life experience, I help remove what no longer serves you and help you find a deeper sense of self-love and forgiveness. 


I am passionate about helping my clients link different things from their past to their present understanding of the world. By doing so, I empower them to change limiting behaviors or ideas. I also strongly believe in helping my clients leave a session with new skills and tools they can put into action in their everyday life. 


I do not want my clients to feel they can only visit a medium to have a spiritual connection. I open their eyes to the connection that has been with them all along and how they can use this to change their lives. My goal is for the impact of a session to be life-long. 


For clients looking to explore their own abilities, I will tap into your specific gifts, and what may be getting in the way of you embracing them fully. I provide ease and empowerment for anyone struggling with anxiety or fear in the process of developing. I bring a deeper knowledge of what you have to work with and how you can use it to feel amazing instead of out of control. I will provide specific guidance (just for you) to learn and progress on your spiritual path.


If you have any questions on what I offer, please don’t hesitate to message me directly. 

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